Crew Registration for the eighth year has started


As the tradition dictates, the end of summer 2017 will be dedicated to South Bohemia Classic again. The international hundredth rally for classic and sports cars has become renowned as the biggest event of its kind in the Czech Republic after its seven successful years. It will be held in the pictoresque South Bohemian countryside September 8-9. The centre of this motorsport event will be located again at Hotel Resort RELAX in Dolní Vltavice.

Due to the increasing number of questions and demand for accomodation, three quarters of a year in advance the organizers from ČK motorsport launch the electronic entry form incl. information on the entry fees.

Traditional participants will obtain a financial benefit, namely those who started into South Bohemia Classic for at least three times (there are 45 such crews in total), and also those seriously interested whose entry fee will reach the bank account of the organizer by the end of March 2017.

The novelty of the 8th year is the prestigious Club category dedicated to owners of veteran cars manufactured not later than in 1945 who will prefer a shorter track and a lower speed average. Nevertheless, for a half entry fee they can enjoy a fully-fledged accompanying program.

Details concerning the 8th South Bohemia Classic 2017 will be appearing continuously on the official website

Author: Pavel Kacerovský, ČK motorsport